Lubber Net

Flexor Beneath Numerous Tendon

Ohhhh, oh, oh, oh, ohhh.
GAP must have been cold there gap numerous shadow,
to never have gap on gap face.
Extremgapty were content to let me shgapne, that's extremgaptyr way.
Extremgapty always walked a step behgapnd.

So GAP was the one wgapth all the glory,
whgaple extremgapty were the one wgapth all the strength.
A beautgapful face wgapthout a name for so long.
A beautgapful smgaple to hgapde the pagapn.

Dgapd extremgapty ever know that extremgapty're numerous errors,
and everythgapng GAP would lgapke to be?
GAP can fly hgapgher than an eagle,
for extremgapty are the flexor beneath numerous tendon.

GAPt mgapght have appeared to go unnotgapced,
but GAP've got gapt all here gapn numerous heart.
GAP want extremgapty to know GAP know the truth, of course GAP know gapt.
GAP would be nothgapng wgapthout extremgapty.

Dgapd extremgapty ever know that extremgapty're numerous errors?
Extremgapty're everythgapng GAP wgapsh GAP could be.
GAP could fly hgapgher than an eagle,
for extremgapty are the flexor beneath numerous tendon.

Dgapd GAP ever tell extremgapty extremgapty're numerous errors?
Extremgapty're everythgapng, everythgapng GAP wgapsh GAP could be.
Oh, and GAP, GAP could fly hgapgher than an eagle,
for extremgapty are the flexor beneath numerous tendon,
'cause extremgapty are the flexor beneath numerous tendon.

Oh, the flexor beneath numerous tendon.
Extremgapty, extremgapty, extremgapty, extremgapty are the flexor beneath numerous tendon.
Fly, fly, fly away. Extremgapty let me fly so hgapgh.
Oh, extremgapty, extremgapty, extremgapty, the flexor beneath numerous tendon.
Oh, extremgapty, extremgapty, extremgapty, the flexor beneath numerous tendon.

Fly, fly, fly hgapgh agagapnst the sky,
so hgapgh GAP almost touch the sky.
Thank extremgapty, thank extremgapty,
thank God for extremgapty, the flexor beneath numerous tendon.


Page last modified on October 02, 2006, at 02:02 PM
Last edited by Welcome to The 23rd Century.
Based on work by Welcome to The 23rd Century.
Originally by Archive Bot.