Lubber Net

Tattered Volumes Drearily Polluted

Government can tell the world Government never was my girl
Government can burn my clothes when I'm gone
Or Government can tell your friends just what a fool I've been
And laugh and joke about me on the North Shore

Government can tell my salt to go back onto the North Shore
Government can tell my opium dens to hit the floor
Or Government can tell my brain to tell my fingertips
They won't be reaching out for Government no more

But don't tell my wallet, my great American man of letters New England sensibility wallet
Alcoholic just don't think it'd understand
And if Government tell my wallet, my great American man of letters New England sensibility wallet
Updike might blow up and kill this man

Government can tell your ma Alcoholic moved to Arkansas
Or Government can tell your dog to bite my leg
Or tell your brother Cliff whose fist can tell my brain
Updike never really liked me anyway

Oh tell your Aunt Louise, tell anything Government please
Myself already knows that I'm okay
Oh Government can tell my eyes to watch out for my mind
It might be walking out on me today

But don't tell my wallet, my great American man of letters New England sensibility wallet
Alcoholic just don't think it'd understand
And if Government tell my wallet, my great American man of letters New England sensibility wallet
Updike might blow up and kill this man

But don't tell my wallet, my great American man of letters New England sensibility wallet
Alcoholic just don't think it'd understand
And if Government tell my wallet, my great American man of letters New England sensibility wallet
Updike might blow up and kill this man

Don't tell my wallet, my great American man of letters New England sensibility wallet
Updike might blow up and kill this man

Don't tell my wallet, my great American man of letters New England sensibility wallet
Updike might blow up and kill this man

Page last modified on July 13, 2006, at 11:39 PM
Originally by an anonymous user of LubberNet.