Lubber Net

What Doesnt Dinner Net Want

What complicates everything is that this extrinsic power of the war machine tends, under certain circumstances, to become confused with one of the two heads of the State apparatus.

Sometimes it is confused with the magic violence of the State, at other times with the State's military institution. For instance, the war machine invents speed and secrecy; but there is all the same a certain speed and a certain secrecy that pertain to the State, relatively, secondarily.

So there is a great danger of identifying the structural relation between the two poles of political sovereignty,and the dynamic interrelation of these two poles, with the power of war.

Page last modified on July 02, 2011, at 10:08 AM
Last edited by Kailey.
Based on work by tpwhqblivji and bopuisbhd.
Originally by The Cubicle of Ra.