Lubber Net

This is The LubberNet MasterNode

What is The LubberNet MasterNode? The amoristic-piratic literary epicenter.

What is LubberNet?
LubberNet is a laboratory concerned primarily with the proliferation of highly
multifarious combinatoric mutations of love, piracy and fine literature. Right!?

How To Use LubberNet

Where is the meeting?

But, seriously, where is the meeting?

Has the meeting been postponed?

I thought the meeting was here?

Where is it?

Has the meeting been postponed?

Where is everybody?

Am I alone in thinking that the meeting is here?

Where is everybody?

I am just talking to myself here?

Where is the meeting?

Where, then, is the meeting?

Are you ignoring me?

Am I just talking to myself here?

The meeting, where is it?

Do you not know?

Or are you just not telling me?

Is the meeting going on without me?

Why would that be?

Is my input not valued?


Do you not understand me?

English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

No, no, it's from a movie. It's a joke.

But, seriously, where is the meeting?

Is the meeting not here?

Is this the meeting?

You have shed a ray of sunhsine into the forum. Thanks!

Recent Changes:

Selected Nodes:

Page last modified on September 23, 2021, at 10:47 PM
Last edited by Lubber.
Based on work by swagmaster, Shotta, teh, and Lubber.
Originally by lubber.